Tom Riggs is CEO and Co-Founder of MindWire a record-setting talent optimization firm supporting over 150 Clients in 24 countries that helps Clients predict and enhance the performance of those tricky humans–measurably. MindWire focuses on creating scalable, ongoing capability for its Clients by acting as the “anti-consultants” and giving away their secret sauce via knowledge transfer and their unlimited support and expertise.
Before founding MindWire, Tom was a CHRO, then COO for publicly traded companies in the education, aerospace and retail sectors, where he was a Client of the tools his firm now helps his Clients deploy.
A lucky husband and father to three very spirited kids, Tom is a zealous Michigan State University alum and fan, a travel, food and music buff and aspires to waste time and money on boats. He lives in Cave Creek, AZ with his wife and family.